Developing a neighbourhood without building a park is like planning for a wedding but forgetting to consider the actual marriage.  It’s all fun and games until your new home owners are constantly having to leave their area to find a safe space for their children to play.  The long-term value of a local playground is worth considering!

Not only is having a local playground a great step in developing sustainable neighbourhoods, you’re also guaranteed to raise the value of the homes in the area. Some studies suggest that could be anywhere from 8-20%, depending on the proximity of the playground.  They provide a great return of investment.  Improved curb appeal, green initiatives, and quality of life can all be improved with a great playground. 

Playgrounds don’t have to be just for large developments. Even smaller neighbourhoods or denser spaces can squeeze in a “pocket playground”. With the use of games like rotation climbers, frame nets, and mast nets, you can maximize the amount of play space by playing upwards.  These games hold large amounts of children in a small play space. Because of the transparency of these types of games you don’t have to worry about blocking views. In fact, the intricate geometric rope construction of the nets is not just for safety, they also bring a unique artistic style to your neighbourhood. They can become the focal point and meeting space for your community.  We all know that parks and playgrounds increase our opportunities for health and wellness. With a pocket playground we also get the added value of play being within walking distance.  Your round-trip to the playground can all count as exercise!

The footprint is small, there is less surfacing and excavation costs, and less maintenance once built. Look around your neighbourhood and visualize where you could pop in a pocket playground!

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Dynamo Playgrounds

661 County Rd 9
Plantagenet, ON
K0B 1L0 Canada

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